
Before you fix glass scratches, you must cover everything. Seattle, WA

Glass Scratches Fixed for Facebook VR Studio – Seattle WA

Project details Name: Facebook Oculus Sound Studio Date: January 2020 Location: Seattle, WA Tag: Glass Scratches Fixed, Laminated Glass Restoration, Glass Resurfacing Crew: 1 Duration of Project: 6 hours Savings over Replacement: $55,000.00 Glass Scratches Fixed When the Glass Can’t Be Removed? Cover all electronics when performing glass scratch removal. Always work straight lines, never […]
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Laminated Glass Resurfacing

Laminated Glass Resurfacing – Belle Haven CT

Project details Name: Laminated Glass Resurfacing Date: May 2015 Location: Belle Haven, Connecticut Tag: widespread glass resurfacing Crew of: 1 Level of Difficulty: Medium Duration of project: 3 days Sq. Ft. Glass Saved: 500 Savings over Replacement $250,000.00 Large Scale Glass Resurfacing – Belle Haven, CT   Restoring Flawless Elegance: The Expert Solution for Scratched […]
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