Large Scale Glass Resurfacing | Newport Beach CA

Project details

  • Custom Home - Glass Scratch Removal
  • April 2015
  • Newport Beach, CA
  • 4
  • 14 days
  • Difficult
  • Construction cleanup, Window washer scrapers
  • large panel glass resurfacing, laminated, tempered, construction cleanup
  • Ocean, Marina, Lighting critical, Afternoon sun.
Savings over Replacement: $125,000.00

Large Scale Glass Resurfacing - Newport Beach, CA

Collaborating With Other Glass Resurfacing Companies

This was a widespread glass resurfacing project in Newport Beach, CA.  We were helping another glass restoration company, Western Glass Restoration large scale glass resurfacing . Their glass resurface guys were having trouble polishing the haze completely from the glass.  When the late afternoon sun hit the polished glass, swirls, which many glass polishers regularly have no choice but to leave, were clearly evident.  We also do glass restoration consulting.  We ended up doing all the scratched glass panels with the critical views.  We were glad to help.  It was a beautiful house with an amazing view.  If the restored glass isn’t polished out completely, there will be a noticeable haze or swirls, especially through filtered light or when the sun is low on the horizon.  If too much time is spent on the polishing step, distortion will almost definitely occur since even the polishing step still removes glass.  Oftentimes, the quality of abrasives used or the polishing materials will hinder the glass polishing process.  For the best glass resurfacing results, uniformity, consistency, and speed are required. This is why we have all our abrasives, backing pads, sanding discs, polishing pads, and polishing compounds custom made to our unique specifications.  Getting excellent results in scratched glass restoration is 50% having the best equipment and 50% technique.  A terrible golfer with expensive clubs is still…a terrible golfer!  If you need assistance on a large glass resurfacing project, feel free to contact us.  We can help with any glass resurfacing project.  We will make sure the scratched glass job is completed, quickly and flawlessly.  “For Flawless Glass Resurfacing – Call Unscratch the Surface!” 805-295-9020

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