Tempered Glass Resurfacing Calabasas CA

Project details

  • Remove Glass Scratches - 50 Windows
  • June 2014
  • Calabasas, CA
  • 1
  • Easy
  • 18 days
  • 50
  • Cleaner using scrubby pad
  • Mountains, Critical overhead lighting and sun.
  • Glass scratch repair, Glass restoration, Scratched glass
Savings over Replacement: $25,000.00

Scratched Tempered Glass Resurfacing – Calabasas, CA


Scrubby pads will scratch tempered glass – badly!

Another high volume glass resurfacing project!  We can unscratch your glass!  Glass Resurfacing is when over 75% of a piece of glass has scratches, usually from careless window cleaning or excessive fabrication debris.  Glass scratch-removal or glass scratch repair is more of singular or smaller areas of scratched-glass repair.  The vast majority of companies that fix scratched glass DO NOT and CANNOT resurface scratched glass.  The latest trend for our company personally is that we have been hired by our counterparts in glass restoration (not really competitors since they cannot effectively resurface scratched glass) to remove the haze and swirls they have left in some glass resurfacing jobs.  This only supports what we have been saying all along, that other glass restoration kits, or at least the ones we designed and sold in the past are not suitable for large area scratched glass resurfacing.  We recently completely resurfaced a scratched tempered 3×6 tempered window in 38 minutes, from start to finish.  We are always striving to improve the speed, neatness and quality of our proprietary glass restoration system.

Here’s what we’re working on.  A beautiful home in Calabasas, CA, just north of Los Angeles, CA.  What apparently occurred took place on the interior glass.  The windows have interior wood trim stained and varnished.  What seems to have happened, since no one really knows, was that some stain and varnish seeped under the masking tape onto the glass surface of each window that was stained.  Normally, a simple razor blade could easily remove any stain, and spots on the glass.  Yet someone, apparently took a scotchbrite pad and proceeded to remove the excess stain and varnish from the “edges of the windows” but also much of the central areas of the windows too!  Anyone who has ever attempted scratched glass repair  knows that removing scratches from the edges is difficult at best.  There are about 30 French doors (tempered) but about 20 windows that are completely scratched that are NOT tempered which makes things extremely precarious.  Tempered glass is about 5 times stronger, not harder, than annealed glass which makes it much more resistant to breakage from heat or vibration, which occurs during glass resurfacing.  If all the windows that needed repairs were tempered, this would be an easy resurfacing job.  It’s approximately 500 sq. ft. of glass resurfacing.

Glass Resurfacing – What it is and what it isn’t

“Glass resurfacing” is a term that is getting thrown around the internet a lot these days.  Here’s what glass resurfacing is and what it actually means to us.  We use the term “glass resurfacing” when we “completely resurface”  or resurface 75% or more of a glass window or door.  We do not feel that doing a small section, less than 25% of a piece of glass, constitutes glass resurfacing.

With our glass resurfacing services, we aim to provide a cost-effective solution to our customers. We understand that replacing an entire glass window or door can be expensive, which is why we offer affordable glass restoration options. Our goal is to restore the appearance and functionality of your glass without breaking the bank.

Why do we bring this up?  Mainly because very few companies can effectively resurface an entire glass window or door.  Here’s what happens when most scratched glass companies attempt to resurface glass (here’s what you see when you look up into many other scratched glass repairs) .  So far, literally every window we have had to repair on this project was at least 80% resurfacing, plus, almost edge to edge, to about 1/4 and closer to the wood trim.  Impossible?  Not at all.  Time consuming? Yes.  Difficult?  Not really.   But only because we have tools specifically designed both for resurfacing but also for tight glass restoration “right up to the edge” .   Another glass scratch repair company came and looked at the scratched glass and informed our client that ”the scratches could be removed but the windows will look wavy.”   The worst part is that we even hear that from people who claim to be able to perform “no distortion” scratched-glass repair!  One more thing I forgot, many of these windows get late afternoon sun and the scratches really looked bad when the sun in on them.  If they are poorly resurfaced, you would still see haze and swirls like the picture linked to above.  So, if you need restoration  or resurfacing glass, make sure to check the “demo” window when the afternoon sun hits it and make sure you “look up into the light” to really examine the quality of the repair to make sure the glass has been thoroughly polished back to flawless clear condition.  “For Scratched Tempered Glass Resurfacing – Call Unscratch the Surface!” 805-295-9020 or 888-986-7272

Specializing in commercial glass scratch repair, widespread “all over” scratches. Our unique, fast and neat glass restoration process is the only one of it’s kind to resurface large areas of scratched glass without leaving swirls, haze, hard edges, and especially no distortion! Please browse the website to learn more about us and how we can save you time and money over glass replacement by removing scratches from all glass surfaces, including removing the widespread scratches caused by fabricating debris. We are the inventors of the process and the undisputed leaders of high volume window glass and glass door scratch-removal without leaving distortion, haze or swirls. Always adapting and improving our glass restoration methods to improve clarity, neatness and speed of our proprietary glass polishing system. Second to none in high volume scratch-removal. Types of damage : Scratched, Etched or Acid Graffiti, Hard Water Stain Removal and Restoration, Welding Damage, Fabricating Debris Window Cleaning Scraper Damage, Careless Window Washer Damage, Yacht Glass Hard Water Damage, Classic Car window scratch removal, and most every type of glass restoration you may be searching for. Tempered, Heat Strengthened, Laminated, Annealed, Picture Windows, Expensive Custom Glass Doors, Impact Glass Curtain Walls, High Rise, Luxury Homes with expensive windows with exquisite views! Any type of glass scratch can now be removed, quickly, neatly and affordably. We are the proven experts and inventors of the process and come to you for all your glass scratch removal needs with the experience to prove we are the best!

Proudly restoring glass in : Calabasas CA, Agoura Hills CA, Malibu CA, Westlake Village CA, West Hills CA, Thousand Oaks CA, and everywhere else in California!

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