Domestic Scratched Glass Repair, Scratched Glass Restoration & Glass Resurfacing Services
Our homes have become far more than just the place we live. They have become our office, school, restaurant, and social interaction area. The glass in your home is far more than just windows and glass doors. Homes now have glass tables, glass shower doors, glass sliding doors, glass stairs and floors, glass railings, and much more. All these domestic glass surfaces have one thing in common, they inevitably become scratched at some time and scratched glass is not a pleasant thing to look through. If you are dealing with scratched glass, there is a solution. Glass scratch repair services can help to restore the clarity and beauty of your glass surfaces. Whether it’s removing scratches from glass tables or repairing scratched glass shower doors, professionals can provide the expertise and tools needed to make your glass look like new again. Glass scratch repair is a cost-effective way to enhance the appearance of your home and ensure that your glass surfaces remain functional and attractive.
Unscratch the Surface provides scratched glass repair service that you have been looking for. Our expert glass resurfacing techs can remove years of scratches, scrapes, and scuffs from your glass. We restore your glass windows, glass doors, and more to the original, factory clarity, thereby restoring your view. We are the premier scratched glass repair services in Southern California, but are also available nationwide for larger scratch glass restoration projects.

How Scratched Glass Can Happen in Your Home
Even if you lovingly maintain your home to pristine condition, you still live there. Normal wear and tear on any home can inadvertently cause scratches on glass surfaces. Cleaning windows is a regular chore that must be done periodically, but if you or a family member uses the wrong type of cleaner or scrubs too hard on the surface, scratches will appear and mar your view to the outside world.
Scratched glass can also be the result of children and pets playing around the home. Does your dog scratch at the sliding glass door to tell you he wants to go outside? Has someone used a scratchy, scrubby pad to clean some gunk off the glass? Chances are good that your glass is already scratched. Unscratch the Surface is here to restore your domestic glass windows and doors.
Unscratch the Surface can save you money by restoring your scratched windows and glass surfaces throughout your home. Resurfacing and restoring scratched glass is much less expensive than replacing glass. We are the experts in getting scratches out of glass surfaces throughout the home. Scratched glass tables, scratched shower glass, sliding door dog scratches, and even shower hard water, limescale removal is what Unscratch the Surface excels at.
Why Choose Unscratch the Surface for Your Home Glass Resurfacing and Repair
Home ownership is a blessing, but when you own your own home, maintenance on it is essential. Windows, ideally, are supposed to be replaced every 20 years or so. Unfortunately, completely replacing scratched windows in your home is a sizable expense. However, if your windows are still functioning as they should, there is little need to replace them just because they have become scratched. Unscratch the Surface can extend the life of your windows and doors and save you money by removing the scratches and restoring your view.
At Unscratch the Surface, we are not simply about fixing scratched windows and restoring scratched sliding glass doors. No, we can save and restore all scratched glass surfaces throughout your home. Whether you have a significant scratch on your glass dining room table or just a few scratches here and there, we can help. The experts at Unscratch the Surface can make your glass sparkle and shine like when it was new with their comprehensive scratched glass services.
We are available to restore your shower door glass even with years of limescale buildup. We can bring back the original view to dog scratched sliding doors. We can remove deep scratches from your heavily scratched dining table. We can service and restore almost any scratched glass surface throughout the home.
Unscratch the Surface offers specialized domestic scratched glass repair services to homeowners living in California & beyond. If your home glass windows and doors need of some glass scratch removal, contact Unscratch the Surface. The best scratched glass polishing service in Southern California and nationwide.