Glass Scratch Removal | Zoos and Aquariums
For generations, zoos have become a mecca for children and adults wanting to get a view of domestic and exotic animals they love so much. Worldwide, there are now over 10,000 zoos of various sizes and in virtually every country across the globe, so it is not difficult to find a zoo for you and your family. More recently, aquariums have become a site to see. The first aquarium opened in 1853 in Regent’s Park located in London, and since that first mesmerizing experience, visitors have flocked to these marine life havens. Both zoos and aquariums house animals meaning they must be put on display in a safe manner and that is where Unscratch the Surface can help.
The view of an aquarium or animal enclosure at a zoo is vital to the experience of the visitor and overall safety of housed animals. Visitors pay to see these animals and scratched glass can obstruct their view. In addition, a scratched acrylic marine enclosure or scratched zoo glass can become fragile and risk the health and safety of bystanders and animals alike. Unscratch the Surface will restore scratched glass without the zoo or aquarium having to invest in expensive replacement. With our unique technology, the aquarium or zoo may not even have to close the exhibit or relocate the animals to repair the damage.

How Aquarium and Zoo Glass Gets Scratched?
Scratches happen and especially when contending with wild animals that have natural impulses. These animals can become irrational at times and inadvertently scratch the interior glass on their enclosure. An aquarium can have similar damage and even though aquarium marine glass and zoo enclosure glass are made to be both laminated and ultimately strong, scratches can mar its surface. The good news is, even glass in this unique situation can be saved!
On the other side of the glass, you must remember, visitors can do their own share of damage to glass enclosures as well. scratches from children and teens being overly rambunctious or even small scratches from jewelry scraping against the surface can make it difficult for paying customers to enjoy the view. Even, recently a zoo in England was damaged by glass graffiti!
Animal glass zoo enclosure scratch repair and aquatic exhibit scratched glass repair can be a difficult endeavor, but with Unscratch the Surface, zoo and marine exhibit glass is easily repaired without negatively impacting the facility or frightening any animals.
What is So Unique About Zoo and Aquarium Glass?
Although the first aquariums and zoos featured very primitive enclosures, through the evolution of time, we have learned what works best for both humans and animals. Today’s aquariums and zoos feature glass or acrylic made with animal friendly and ultra-strong glazing to ensure animals are kept safe and unable to actually break through the glass. Another aspect of zoo and marine glass that is unique is it is made with sound reducing technology. Visitors tapping on the glass can be particularly disturbing for animals and through advanced technologies, zoos and aquariums have enabled enclosures to remain clear, but comfortable for animals to live in.
Unscratch the Surface offers advance zoo glass scratch repair and repairs scratched acrylic marine glass without impairing the comfort of animals within. Animals from around the world are brought into zoos and aquariums to make it possible for everyone to get as close to the animal while remaining safe. With our advanced technology, we keep disturbances and disruptions at a minimum while resurfacing and repairing marine and zoo rated glass. Zoo and aquatic exhibit scratched glass repair costs substantially less than closing the exhibit to replace glass panes. Unscratch the Surface can repair the damage in a fraction of the time and in most cases, without the need to close the exhibit for extended periods of time. Contact us today for all your zoo and aquarium scratched glass repair needs. Our company is based in California USA