Here are some Frequently Asked Questions scratched glass repair :
All types of scratched glass can be restored and scratches removed.
• Tempered
• Laminated
• Heat Strengthened
• Annealed
• Curved
• Colored
• Bulletproof
• Acrylic
• Auto
• Yacht
For a more detailed explanation of the scratched glass repair process we personally developed, please contact Unscratch the Surface customer service and they'll be happy to help.
• Tempered
• Laminated
• Heat Strengthened
• Annealed
• Curved
• Colored
• Bulletproof
• Acrylic
• Auto
• Yacht
For a more detailed explanation of the scratched glass repair process we personally developed, please contact Unscratch the Surface customer service and they'll be happy to help.
This can vary greatly. For example, one single isolated scratch on tempered glass may only require :15 minutes to complete.
Whereas large scratched glass panels that require resurfacing will be completed on average, at the rate of 100+ square feet per 8 hours per man.
Factors like accessibility and depth of scratches are a contributing factor. 150 square feet per day per man is not uncommon.
Under optimum conditions, our best resurfacing rate to date was 190 square feet per man per day on a large tempered resurfacing project in Pittsburg, TX.
If you’re a commercial contractor with a large glass scratch repair project who would like to understand our big job process, please contact our customer service team for more information. Or click the link above.
Whereas large scratched glass panels that require resurfacing will be completed on average, at the rate of 100+ square feet per 8 hours per man.
Factors like accessibility and depth of scratches are a contributing factor. 150 square feet per day per man is not uncommon.
Under optimum conditions, our best resurfacing rate to date was 190 square feet per man per day on a large tempered resurfacing project in Pittsburg, TX.
If you’re a commercial contractor with a large glass scratch repair project who would like to understand our big job process, please contact our customer service team for more information. Or click the link above.
Yes. We were the brains behind, what is now, the best selling scratched glass repair kit in the world! Funny story, Keith, Adam, and Cody liked the name "Glass Scratch Wizard"! I did not! Gladly, we went with GlassRenu! I also had an idea for toilet paper with "facts of the day", "jokes of the day", etc. This was before smartphones! Anyway, we were going to call it "AssRenu", keeping with the GlassRenu theme!
Eventually, however, I soon realized there was more money to be made in high end, larger, glass resurfacing projects. We developed a better, faster system capable of this after we parted ways with GlassRenu . Our glass restoration system is constantly changing, evolving, and adapting to the glass resurfacing industry, which we ultimately created. Never content, we always strive to improve all aspects of out scratched glass repair process.
Eventually, however, I soon realized there was more money to be made in high end, larger, glass resurfacing projects. We developed a better, faster system capable of this after we parted ways with GlassRenu . Our glass restoration system is constantly changing, evolving, and adapting to the glass resurfacing industry, which we ultimately created. Never content, we always strive to improve all aspects of out scratched glass repair process.
Can deep scratches be removed? Absolutely, very deep scratches can be removed with great results! We hear that question often. The key factor with deep glass scratches is this. How much surrounding area do I have to work with? The more area that the grinding can be feathered into, the better the deep glass scratch repair will look when completed. If you are limited and have to overwork a small area, you will have some distortion. We have developed a technique to minimize distortion for all deep scratches.
Typically, the deepest accidental glass scratch is less than .004 thousandths of an inch deep. We have had excellent results removing much deeper scratches than that though. Glass graffiti, even acid etched graffiti removal burns into the glass very deep and has been successfully removed, and glass saved.
Ultimately, the quality of the completed deep scratched glass repair will always be determined by the amount of area you have to work with.
More glass graffiti removal pictures can be viewed here.
Typically, the deepest accidental glass scratch is less than .004 thousandths of an inch deep. We have had excellent results removing much deeper scratches than that though. Glass graffiti, even acid etched graffiti removal burns into the glass very deep and has been successfully removed, and glass saved.
Ultimately, the quality of the completed deep scratched glass repair will always be determined by the amount of area you have to work with.
More glass graffiti removal pictures can be viewed here.
This is not a joke! We have had this question asked more times than we can remember.
We finally figured out why people ask this question.
Apparently, some shady glass restoration companies have attempted to "fill" the scratch with some type of resin or oily substance that only "hides" the scratches temporarily.
When we remove, resurface, and restore your scratched glass, those scratches are gone for good, guaranteed!
We finally figured out why people ask this question.
Apparently, some shady glass restoration companies have attempted to "fill" the scratch with some type of resin or oily substance that only "hides" the scratches temporarily.
When we remove, resurface, and restore your scratched glass, those scratches are gone for good, guaranteed!
We offer several guarantees. We guarantee we can repair most any scratched or damaged glass (excluding some extreme welding damage) without affecting your view. Our “No-Distortion Guarantee.” We also guarantee that we can repair any size of glass, regardless of the scope of damage. Unscratch the Surface will do a complete resurfacing of large windows, if necessary. Expect a savings of at least 50% of replacement cost, considerably more savings with larger glass repair projects. We guarantee that NO ONE will beat us in speed of repair, neatness of repair, cost of repair, or visual quality of repair. Lastly, we guarantee you will be extremely satisfied with every aspect of our glass restoration service, from start to finish! We guarantee you're gonna like the way we fix scratches. Don't believe me? Click here for some of our amazing 5 star scratched glass repair reviews!
I love this one! No!
Use logic. Glass is harder than teeth. If toothpaste could polish out glass scratches, then if absolutely could polish your teeth away as well!
Another side point on "glass polishing or glass buffing". Over polishing will absolutely create distortion. The trick with maintaining the best optical quality when grinding and polishing scratched glass is to get the damage out quickly.
Get the scratches out as quickly as possible with the least amount of contact with the glass. The same applies to the glass polishing step. Overworking any step in the glass resurfacing and restoration process almost guarantees waviness and distortion. It's not from "heat" and it's not from too aggressive of grit. Both lies. Don't believe them.
Use logic. Glass is harder than teeth. If toothpaste could polish out glass scratches, then if absolutely could polish your teeth away as well!
Another side point on "glass polishing or glass buffing". Over polishing will absolutely create distortion. The trick with maintaining the best optical quality when grinding and polishing scratched glass is to get the damage out quickly.
Get the scratches out as quickly as possible with the least amount of contact with the glass. The same applies to the glass polishing step. Overworking any step in the glass resurfacing and restoration process almost guarantees waviness and distortion. It's not from "heat" and it's not from too aggressive of grit. Both lies. Don't believe them.
To put it bluntly, pretty damn close! On some glass resurfacing projects, we have had to remove scratches right up to the edge. In this scenario, we will mask the trim to protect the finish. 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) from the edge is not difficult to remove glass scratches. However, with many glass scratches close to the edge slows the process down overall. The only limitation is the corners. If there is a deep scratch within about a 2 inch square of the corner, it's impossible to get our equipment on the scratch. Otherwise, we regularly get scratches out of glass very close to the edge.
Absolutely! We have had numerous classic car restoration shops ship their original, but badly scratched classic car glass to us for resurfacing! If there are scratches thru the date code, we either remove them along with the date code or leave the scratches. The choice is yours. Give us a call and we can give you details on the best way to ship your classic car scratched glass. We don't do windshields though, since they're not tempered and prone to crack if too much pressure is applied, especially if they're out of the car. The average price to resurface 3-5 side windows, corner glass, and rear glass is $1000-$1500 plus shipping costs. Most older car glass has scratches on both sides so both sides need to be resurfaced.
ABSOLUTELY! Since we are 2-3 times faster than most other scratched glass repair companies that we know of, we can safely match any actual written proposals.
We have a unique process and also a unique way of completing large projects. On our last two out of town projects, we were able to beat the local companies by over $80K on each project. Also, completed one of the projects in 12 days whereas the competitor claimed it would take 5 weeks! On the project we completed in Toronto, CA, we beat all the Canadian companies by literally hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Call for more details. Forget the rest. Go with the best!
We have a unique process and also a unique way of completing large projects. On our last two out of town projects, we were able to beat the local companies by over $80K on each project. Also, completed one of the projects in 12 days whereas the competitor claimed it would take 5 weeks! On the project we completed in Toronto, CA, we beat all the Canadian companies by literally hundreds of thousands of dollars!
Call for more details. Forget the rest. Go with the best!
We have completed large glass resurfacing projects throughout the U.S. We do quite a bit of glass restoration in Southern California but will travel wherever needed if the project is large enough.
We have completed scratched glass projects from New York to Florida , from Chicago to Texas , and Seattle to San Diego. We have also completed glass restoration projects in Toronto, Canada . 2500 sq ft of glass resurfacing in Kiel, Germany, Waikiki, HI, and even Ensenada, MX.
Check our glass restoration projects map and portfolio page for more locations we have serviced.
We have completed scratched glass projects from New York to Florida , from Chicago to Texas , and Seattle to San Diego. We have also completed glass restoration projects in Toronto, Canada . 2500 sq ft of glass resurfacing in Kiel, Germany, Waikiki, HI, and even Ensenada, MX.
Check our glass restoration projects map and portfolio page for more locations we have serviced.
Only if you go with one of our competitors!
We have been called on countless glass restoration projects that another scratched glass company attempted.
If scratched glass is not resurfaced properly, you may be left with distortion, haze and, or swirls.
There should be nothing visible after scratched glass repairs. This means under all lighting conditions and all viewing angles. If anyone tells you otherwise, it's just because they cannot perform flawless glass restoration. Haze and swirls are easy to repair and remove. Distortion in glass is nearly impossible to correct once it has been done. Don't let anyone experiment on your scratched glass. If the scratched glass company won't offer a guarantee stating "no haze, swirls or distortion under all lighting conditions and viewing angles", send them home immediately!
We have been called on countless glass restoration projects that another scratched glass company attempted.
If scratched glass is not resurfaced properly, you may be left with distortion, haze and, or swirls.
There should be nothing visible after scratched glass repairs. This means under all lighting conditions and all viewing angles. If anyone tells you otherwise, it's just because they cannot perform flawless glass restoration. Haze and swirls are easy to repair and remove. Distortion in glass is nearly impossible to correct once it has been done. Don't let anyone experiment on your scratched glass. If the scratched glass company won't offer a guarantee stating "no haze, swirls or distortion under all lighting conditions and viewing angles", send them home immediately!
Absolutely not! Since we have been performing scratched glass repair since 2005, we can confidently state that we haven't seen any new types of scratched glass in probably 10+ years. What's important is accessibility to the glass and the type of glass damage.
Pictures are always helpful to determine what it will cost to complete the glass resurfacing project.
We always stand by our proposal. You will know exactly what your scratched glass project will cost before we even begin. Don't fall for "time and materials". You will have no idea what the actual repairs are going to cost. The only way our price will go up is if more scratched glass is added to the project.
Contact customer service if you still have additional questions.
Pictures are always helpful to determine what it will cost to complete the glass resurfacing project.
We always stand by our proposal. You will know exactly what your scratched glass project will cost before we even begin. Don't fall for "time and materials". You will have no idea what the actual repairs are going to cost. The only way our price will go up is if more scratched glass is added to the project.
Contact customer service if you still have additional questions.
We are in business since 2005 for 3 reasons. We are excellent at what we do. We save people a lot of money over glass replacement. And we actually like being able to help people.
We are in touch with what is involved on each and every project.
We are going to give you the best possible price we can.
We run a tight ship. We still make our own supplies and always keep our overhead low.
We know what glass costs to replace and we'll make sure that our glass restoration service will be a no brainer for you. At times, we have saved contractors 90% over replacement cost! But the average has worked out to around 30% of replacement cost.
As always, call for more information and details.
We are in touch with what is involved on each and every project.
We are going to give you the best possible price we can.
We run a tight ship. We still make our own supplies and always keep our overhead low.
We know what glass costs to replace and we'll make sure that our glass restoration service will be a no brainer for you. At times, we have saved contractors 90% over replacement cost! But the average has worked out to around 30% of replacement cost.
As always, call for more information and details.
We have performed numerous scratched glass projects where the manufacturer actually wanted to observe the process to determine this for themselves.
Never has any glass window or door manufacturer determined that our glass resurfacing process voided the warranty or weakened the glass.
Actually, removing a scratch removes the weak spot on a piece of glass. When they cut glass, they score it first. Where does the glass break? On the scoring line. Remove the scratch, remove the weak spot. Pella, Fleetwood, and Cardinal are but a few that have examined our process before we completed some large, high profile glass restoration projects. However, on some scratched glass damage, manufacturers have claimed the damage that we were there to repair already voided the manufacturers warranty (welding and metal grinding damage, in particular).
Never has any glass window or door manufacturer determined that our glass resurfacing process voided the warranty or weakened the glass.
Actually, removing a scratch removes the weak spot on a piece of glass. When they cut glass, they score it first. Where does the glass break? On the scoring line. Remove the scratch, remove the weak spot. Pella, Fleetwood, and Cardinal are but a few that have examined our process before we completed some large, high profile glass restoration projects. However, on some scratched glass damage, manufacturers have claimed the damage that we were there to repair already voided the manufacturers warranty (welding and metal grinding damage, in particular).
We've been an advocate of bitcoin since 2016. We currently will take payment for glass restoration projects in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Call first if you'd like to use another cryptocurrency to pay for a glass restoration project. We might consider some of the bigger, more successful crypto's.
We have actually tried numerous times to resurface smartphone glass. We were contacted by a company that refurbishes smartphones and they were looking for ways to keep their costs down. We had moderate success but weren't able to resurface the touchscreens fast enough to make it feasible. The glass is also extremely thin and cannot withstand much pressure or heat. Unfortunately, we had to shelve that project. I always use tempered glass screen protectors on my smartphones.
The glass restoration pictures
posted here and also the ones on the projects page are a fraction of completed jobs. We felt there was something unique about the pictures of the projects we posted. We tend to post projects that were large glass resurfacing jobs, or high end scratched glass jobs or glass jobs with amazing views! A few are actually projects from celebrities homes!
posted here and also the ones on the projects page are a fraction of completed jobs. We felt there was something unique about the pictures of the projects we posted. We tend to post projects that were large glass resurfacing jobs, or high end scratched glass jobs or glass jobs with amazing views! A few are actually projects from celebrities homes!
Still have a scratched glass question we haven't answered?
Can scratches be polished with toothpaste? Does tempered glass scratch easier than annealed? Can you really resurface glass and make scratches vanish? For these or other frequently asked glass scratch questions, relating to our glass restoration services, continue reading. If you can’t find the answer to your question, please write or call.